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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Igo - Information. Tampilkan semua postingan

11 September 2008

About Go


Go is a board game played with black and white counters generally referred to as "stones".

All estimates of the birthdate and original form are based on conjecture, but it is proven that Go was in China some thousands of years ago. The spread of Go elsewhere began at least as early as 500 AD when it was introduced to Japan or hundreds of years before that when it spread to Korea. Nowadays, Go is becoming increasingly popular throughout the world as the ignorant are enlightened on the enjoyment that can be achieved through Go. It is still mainly played in the three Go powers of Japan, China, and Korea.

Go has been described as a "Game of War" and is a game of no chance, the winner arising entirely out of skill. It has infinite strategical depth and tactical profundity, therefore making it arguably the most fascinating and exciting of all games.


Go is usually played on a 19 by 19 board, but it can be played on other size boards (mostly 9 by 9 and 13 by 13).


Two players sit face to face with the Go board, an empty grid, between them. In an even game, Black plays first. In a handicap game, Black begins with stones already on the board, and White makes the first move. Players take turns, playing one stone at a time, on the intersections on the grid, called points.

As you put your stones down and see the patterns and situations develop, you will be learning how to play.


The object of the game is to coordinate your stones to surround more points than your opponent.

A key concept is liberties, which are adjacent empty points.

Every stone on the board will have from two to four grid lines extending from it. If it has no liberties but is connected by one or more of those lines to stones of the same color that do have at least one liberty, the group is currently safe. If all the liberties are blocked, the stone or group of stones is said to be captured. Captured stones are removed from the board. Once played, stones do not move, unless they are captured.

You can't normally play on a point without liberties, as a stone played there is immediately removed; however, the exception is when you are capturing stones, as you gain liberties by capturing.


As a consequence of these rules, you will discover that some stones are safe, that is, they can never be captured, if they have surrounded two separate points, called eyes. Groups that have or can make two eyes are said to be alive. Stones or groups of stones that can be captured are said to be dead. An exception is the rare situation called seki, where neither side has two eyes, yet neither side can capture.


A consequence of the rule that you gain liberties by capturing, therefore you may play on a point without liberties if you are capturing, is that a shape called ko may develop. The rule of ko is important because it allows the game to continue. In some situations players could immediately capture a stone that has just captured, resulting in an endless stalemate. In these cases, the rule of ko states that you may not immediately capture a stone that has just captured in ko until you have played somewhere else on the board first.

If there are three kos on the board, you could consider playing another ko as somewhere else on the board (known as triple ko). To prevent this, a rule is often used which states you may not repeat the board position.


The game is over when both sides pass. Players should only pass when no more points can be surrounded. In practice knowing when there are no more points to be surrounded and passing at the correct time is difficult. You may cost yourself points by continuing to play, or lose the opportunity to make points by passing too early. Once both players have passed, count the number of points belonging to each player. The player with more points is the winner.

10 September 2008

Manfaat Belajar Igo

Belajar igo mempunyai dua tujuan secara umum. Yakni untuk melatih otak atau sekedar refreshing, dan yang kedua untuk prestasi. Setiap komunitas igo yang ada di seluruh dunia pasti memiliki dua macam alasan tersebut sebagai landasan berdirinya komunitas mereka.

Sebab dengan belajar igo, kemampuan nalar dan daya analisis kita akan meningkat. Selain itu igo juga sangat besar manfaatnya dalam menciptakan daya kreasi dan imajinasi bagi anak. Di luar semuanya itu, igo memiliki pengaruh terhadap kemampuan otak manusia dalam menilai sesuatu secara sekilas melalui daya komparasi melalui efek visual (hanya dengan melihat).

Dengan belajar igo, seseorang nantinya diharapkan tidak hanya muncul sebagai pemain (dari segi hiburan / refreshing), tapi juga atlet (dari segi prestasi). Di samping itu juga membuat seseorang dapat menjadi penikmat (penonton), pengajar / guru, pe-review (orang yang mengajar dengan cara memberikan review / pembahasan dari game orang lain),da n masih banyak lagi profesi igo lainnya, termasuk profesi-profesid ari segi bisnis.

09 September 2008

The Rules of PairGo

1. The game is played between male-female pairs. The two players in each pair are called partners.

2. Seating: The two partners sit beside each other, facing an opposing pair across the Go board.

3. Order of moves: The pairs play in the following order: ... -- Black female player -- White female player -- Black male player-- White male player -- ... This cycle is called the normal rotation. The players must always play in the normal rotation. The player who makes the first move of the game is as follows: In non-handicap games, the Black female player makes the first move. In games with a handicap of two stones or more, the White female player makes the first move.

4. Prohibition of exchanging information: During the game, partners must not communicate, give advice, or exchange other information by speech, gestures, mannerisms, or any other means except playing moves. Speaking is permitted, however, to confirm whose turn it is to play, or confer about resigning. Conferring about resigning is limited to the following: the player to move may ask for his or her partner's consent to resign; the partner may agree or not agree to resign.

5. Resignation: Resignation is announced by the player whose turn it is to move. The player's partner cannot retract the resignation.

6. Violations: Rotation error: If the wrong partner plays, causing a departure from normal rotation, this is called a rotation error. Rotation errors are handled as follows:
(1) A rotation error can be claimed only when the move just played was out of rotation.
(2) If the claimed rotation error was intentional, the game is forfeited immediately.
(3) If the claimed rotation error was unintentional, the next step is to verify which partner played
the preceding move.
(4) If the preceding move was played in normal rotation, the game continues with a three-point
penalty for the claimed rotation error. |
(5) If the preceding move was not played in normal rotation, the game continues without any
penalty for the claimed rotation error.
(6) In either case, no moves are taken back and replayed. The last move played is regarded as
having been played by the correct player. The next move must be played in normal rotation
with the last move played.
(7) Whenever a rotation error is detected, the next player must return to normal rotation. Failure to do so is regarded as a new rotation error.

Example of rotation error and return to normal rotation: Black male player Normal rotation - White male player Normal rotation - Black female player Normal rotation - White female player Normal rotation - Black female player Rotation error. The error is claimed and a three point penalty is applied. White female player Return to normal rotation (the White female player normally plays after the Black female player). If the White male player played at this point, that would be a new rotation error. Black male player Normal rotation - White male player Normal rotation - Black female player Normal rotation - White female player Normal rotation

Special case of rotation error: If the same side plays two moves in a row, then the rotation error is removed from the board, the three point penalty assessed, and the game continues as above.

Illegal exchange of information: If illegal exchange of information between partners is observed to take place, the offending partners forfeit the game.

7. Other matters:

(1) The game stops when there are two consecutive passes.
(2) The word "agreement" means agreement of all four players.
(3) Pair Go Handicap Rules:

A. Handicap setting: Handicaps are set by the following point system: 7-dan=7; 6-dan=6; 5-dan=5; 4-dan=4; 3-dan=3; 2-dan=2; shodan=1; 1-kyu=0; 2-kyu=-1; 3-kyu=-2; 4-kyu=-3; 5-kyu=-4; 6-kyu=-5, etc. The handicap points of a pair are the total of the two partners' handicap points divided by two, with fractions rounded up.

B. Handicaps: The handicap in a game is determined from the difference in handicap points between the pairs. Jigo is won by White.

C. Pair Go Manners (1) Pair Go, like contract bridge, is an intellectual contest between ladies and gentlemen. Please avoid unmannerly speech, conduct, attitudes, or dress. (2) Be careful to avoid behavior or gestures that might give or seem to give your partner a hint concerning the next move. (3) Please refrain from trying to win on time when you have a lost game. (4) Smoking is not permitted during play at official Pair Go tournaments. (5) Partners must not leave their seats at the same time during a game at official Pair Go tournaments.
